On this page you can book appointments to see Professor Speed in her London Clinic, and also by Remote Consultation.

Appointments for Cathy’s London Clinic can be booked by calling 0203 733 4639 or through the website – please visit

WHERE: Fortius Clinic London

17 Fitzhardinge Street

What should you bring with you to your appointment?

Ideally, if you are a London patient, we would like you to bring your medical history, referral letter and any other relevant documentation you feel is important, such as previous tests, with you to your appointment.

What if I haven’t got a referral letter?

We prefer you to have a referral but patients can self-refer.

Please note that if you are insured, your insurer may insist that you have a formal referral.

What else should I do before my referral?

  • If you are insured, get an authorisation code from your insurer and clarify what your policy covers. It’s always a good idea to communicate thoroughly with your insurer along the journey. Upload these details when you book your appointment such that you are not invoiced directly for fees.
  • Provide important details to us so that we can ensure we can offer the best experience. This means: Full name, date of birth, address, GP (name and address of surgery), who has referred you and their details, your telephone number, email address. Your care may be negatively impacted without these details.
  • Add payment details.
    • A credit card is required to make a booking. Your card will only be charged for fees incurred by consultation/procedures as outlined in your appointment confirmation letter. If you are using insurance, your insurer will be invoiced directly for fees that you have authorised with them.

What happens after my first appointment?

  • Tests may be ordered and you can book these in after your appointment. If these are done in house, the results will be sent directly to Professor Speed prior to your next review.
  • If tests are done elsewhere at your request (e.g. at your GP), then we may ask you to obtain the results prior to your follow up appointment, as this streamlines the process. Teamwork!
  • Book a follow up using the pathways described above.
  • Professor Speed will write a letter summarising your consultation, conclusions, and plans made. This will be shared with you by secure email. The secure mailing is a necessary part of maintaining patient confidentiality and is part of GDPR.
  • Any queries that arise can be dealt with in further consultation.

What if I have further questions after my consultations?

The philosophy of Professor Speed’s practice is to channel all available energy into time spent with patients.  In keeping with good medical practice, all queries are dealt with in medical appointment times and typically everything will be thoroughly reviewed at your consultations. However, if you do wish to discuss any further queries, a telephone consultation can be booked online. These appointments are charged.

Please note that Fortius London phone numbers are not for patient queries.


Ideally all new patients should book to be seen in clinic. We do offer a remote appointments service for follow up appointments. These can be booked through the portal below.